It's been real my peeps!

This photo was taken by Isabella Weber(left) during one of our meetups for our group project!
In this photo (left to right): Isabella Weber, Leah Gilchrist, Lara Hawatmeh (me) and Jackie Aguilar 

When I started this class, I didn’t think much of it. I assumed it was going to be just another ordinary class with a cool name and the content we learn will have nothing to do with the class title and what we learn in the class, we’ll probably never use in the real world. Throughout my college career a lot of my classes were that way! This class in particular was nothing like my past experiences. From day one we discussed collaboration, what it is, how we collaborate and more. We went on to learn about different stages of group development, we touched on online collaboration, copyright, fair use and more things that I didn’t expect to learn. This class taught me a lot. This class also got me out of my comfort zone. During our first week we got the opportunity to create our very own blogs. We can talk about anything and everything as long as it relates to what we were talking about during the week. This was awesome. I got a chance to be myself and you don’t always get that opportunity when doing assignments in college. My two favorite posts that I have done would have to be , Is it really stealing and memes  I had the most fun with those two!

Throughout the semester I found myself in a rut and I needed inspiration and I usually found myself going to Leah or Hannah’s page for inspiration to lead me in the right direction their style of writing was very creative and close to the things I like as well. But one blog in particular stood out to me the most, Beau’s. His posts always kept me wanting to read more. I didn’t know him much but through his writing I showed a little of his personality! Great Job Beau!

Thanks for a great Semester!

Until next time,

Confessions from a college student #itsbeenreal


  1. Hi Lara! I'm so glad blogging has been a positive experience for you this semester! I think you have some truth in your post that sometimes classes seem like they're not really relevant to your career path or maybe they weren't what you expected from the course description. I am so glad this class had the opportunities for you and all of us to see what we were learning applied in real life. Since you mentioned blogging pushed you out of your comfort zone, maybe you'll decide to pursue it more in the future? Either way, so glad you had a good semester!


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