Cool Runnings with the Cinco Gatos!
Movie: Cool Runnings
Image by Disney
During this time I really got to know my group members. I learned how everyone works in a group.
I feel like our group went through the five stages as well. Here's how:
Forming: We formed the group not knowing anything about each other.
Storming: Since we didn't know eachother that we were kind of awkward at first and it took us a while to figure out what we wanted to base our project on.
Norming: After we chose our topic, this was when we really got to know each other. We broke the project into different parts Like Emma worked on the homepage, Isabella creates the timeline, Leah creates the website, and Jackie, Dodo and I were the ones who analysed the different stages and connected it with the movie. Jackie and Isabella also found images for both the website and the timeline while I found various clips from the movie, to help explain our stages better.
Performing: We all worked hand and hand and made sure we were on top of everything. Leah Isabella and Emma not only created the visuals but they also helped with analyzing the move. We all shared a google and messaged each other.
Adjourning: We created a successful website!
I enjoyed working with my group. I also really enjoyed learning Tuckman's five stages of group development. I never realised how the five stages really do happen when forming a group!
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