Collaboration, what is it?

Photo by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 

Collaboration, what is it? 

Collaboration can be defined in various ways. Collaboration all begins with a common interest. It can be vastly spread through various social media platforms, classrooms, workplace and it's used on a day to day basis.

Let's use social media as an example. Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and collaborate with others. Social media is a great tool for collaboration that's why so many of us use it. Various platforms like Reddit, Twitter, youtube, Instagram, etc. are used by many people to collaborate.

Personally, I like reddit, youtube, and twitter. Those are the three platforms I gravitate towards to collaborate with others who share the same interests as me.

Reddit is probably one of the easiest platforms used to collaborate. It's so simple to use that a toddler could probably figure it out. There is a search bar type in any word and you will be directed to different pages and from there you can easily find a common interest and there you can start collaborating ideas and information with people from all over who happen to share the same interests as you.

Youtube is another cool way to collaborate. I am personally a makeup junkie but it all makes sense since I work at sephora! I am constantly looking at various tutorials and reviews to find the next best product! I notice that over the years the makeup industry has grown a lot. So many of the beauty gurus have collaborated with each other as a form of growing their channel. They dedicate a day were both meet up and create content for both channels. Then when they post the video their subscribers would be directed to the others channel then their channels grow that way. I think that is genius! It's a great way to drive their "business."

Twitter is also pretty a pretty cool platform to collaborate with. Have you ever seen those hashtags? Like #blacklivesmatter was a pretty well known hashtag that people who shared that common interest, which is standing up to racism towards African Americans. So many people have contributed to that hashtag and it got a lot of buzz.

So the next time you're on any social media platform find a way to collaborate with others who share a common interest as you! Also check out this cool video ( )  about collaboration and social media!

Good Luck!
-Confessions from a college student!


  1. I love that you are a makeup junkie! I am a fashion junkie myself and find myself collaborating with local stores to promote their business. I think the youtube, style blogs, and social media platforms have opened beauty collaboration to a whole new level. People use these platforms with the intent to learn more, find the best products, and over all share their art with the world.

    Have you seen lines blurred in the makeup industry from collaboration of ideas to just plain stealing of ideas? Or in your experience, do you think the beauty industry uses online collaboration to further their knowledge?


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